Our Church’s History
First Baptist Church of Roy was constituted December 11, 1952 with 56 charter members, after being a mission church of First Baptist Church of Clearfield for one year and eight months. Prior to the purchase of land in 1955, the church met in the home of Pastor, Ray McKinney. The church also met for a time in the fire station of the Roy administration building.
The nine lots purchased in 1955, where the church building now stands, were called the Arsenal Villa Housing. The church met in the buildings for a time until they were torn down to begin building. The church building was built in four units. The first unit built, (now classrooms), was completed in January 1959 to accommodate 120 people. An annex (now the nursery area), was built in 1961, followed by the auditorium in 1962.
During the 10th anniversary service on December 9, 1962, the “interim” auditorium was dedicated. In 1968, the kitchen and baptistery were added. On December 17, 2000, the new auditorium was dedicated. It took 38 years of FBC of Roy from the “interim auditorium” (now the fellowship hall) to the present auditorium. In 2017, FBC-Roy celebrated its 65th anniversary!
© First Baptist Church of Roy 2021